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Personal Data | Legrand Ghana


Data that you communicate to us

Data collected

Purpose of data processing

Status of user*
(candidate, supplier, investor, etc.)


Directing requests to the relevant internal department



Bringing nominative / personalized answers to users’ queries

First name and surname*


Bringing nominative answers to users’ queries



Direct requests towards the relevant countries



Address users’ queries by electronic means

Phone number


Answer users’ queries 

The content of messages and files you submit us may also contain personal data.

* Mandatory data

Data identified as mandatory is essential for providing the service requested by the visitor. Failure to fill in a mandatory field will prevent the proper administration of the request.

When you provide us with optional data, you have the right to oppose to their processing at any time by following the procedure detailed in the “Exercise of users’ rights” section.

We will retain the above data for a maximum of 3 years after processing of your request.


You have a right to access, rectify or delete personal information collected concerning you. You can request that their processing be restricted, or you can object to them being processed. When we rely on your consent to perform a particular processing, you can withdraw such consent at any time.

If you request the erasure, or object to the processing of data necessary to the performance of our services and/or specified as mandatory, you will no longer be able to access certain Website functions as they require the processing of your data in order to operate.

Should you so request, we may send you the personal data that you have provided to us in an easily accessible format.

You also have the right to define guidelines for the fate of your data after your death.

You may exercise your rights at any time, subject to the production of valid supporting documents, by sending your request:

- using the contact form "Contact us".

Your request will be processed within one month of receipt. If necessary, this period can be extended by up to two months, in view of the complexity and the number of requests. In this case, you will be informed of this extension and its reasons within one month of receipt of the request.

No payment will be required for the exercise of your rights except in case of manifestly unfounded or excessive demand. In this case, the Legrand Group further reserves the right to not respond to your request. 


The personal data are processed with the help of manual and computer tools. The sole purpose of this processing is to achieve the objectives stated with a view to ensuring data confidentiality and security.


Only the following have access to your personal data, within the limits of their respective assignments:

  • The internal services of the company Legrand SNC, established in France, depending on the reason for which you are contacting us: Financial Communication, Export, Human Resources Department, Internal Communication, Legal Department or in charge of the Website management;
  • The service provider CLARANET, established in France, responsible for hosting the data collected via the Website;
  • The service provider ADSAB, established in France, responsible for the development and maintenance of the Website;
  • The platforms and social media: Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter, insofar as they have access to your browsing history on our Website should you consent to such access through or “cookie banner”. We also inform you that those third-party service-provider benefit from a “Privacy Shield” certificate and as such, any potential transfer of your data for hosting purposes in the United States will take place under security and privacy conditions which are considered adequate according to European legislation. To learn more, please consult our “Types of cookies” section below;
  • Google as a cookie provider, insofar as they have access to data relating to your browsing history (through the cookie Google Analytics) when you confirm your agreement upon arrival on our Website. We also inform you that Google benefits from a “Privacy Shield” certificate and as such, any possible transfer of your data for hosting purposes in the United States will take place under security and privacy conditions which are considered adequate according to European legislation. For further information, please consult the section below entitled “Type of cookies”.

For more information on how Google uses the data collected through Google Analytics, please consult :

We inform you that the aforementioned service providers are bound by an obligation of confidentiality and may only use your data in compliance with our contractual provisions and the applicable legislation. 



The LEGRAND Group has implemented adequate physical, electronic and administrative protection measures that comply with the regulations in order to protect your personal data. The LEGRAND Group would like to draw the users' attention to the potential risks in terms of data confidentiality linked to Internet use. It is the responsibility of the user to set up or ensure the use of a personal secured computer network, as well as to ensure a correct technical configuration of the connection box connected to your Internet service provider and of other devices such as radio access equipment (e.g. WIFI, 4G, etc.).