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How to Control Energy Consumption at Home | Legrand Ghana

How to Control Energy Consumption at Home

Energy Efficiency Author Studio Content 26/03/2024

Saving energy at home is essential to reduce costs, protect the environment and contribute to the general welfare. Here is a guide with practical tips to control and reduce energy consumption in your home.

energy efficiency home
  • Unplug Devices in Standby Mode: Electronic devices continue to consume energy even when they are turned off but plugged in. Unplug cell phone chargers, portable devices, televisions and other electronics from the outlet when not in use. Also set your devices to power-saving mode and turn off the screen if you don't need them for an extended period of time.
  • Use Energy Efficient Light Bulbs: Opt for LED or CFL (compact fluorescent light) bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs. These options save up to 75% energy and have a longer lifespan.
  • Turn Off Lights in Empty Rooms: It's a simple but effective habit. Be sure to turn off lights in rooms you are not using. Alternatively, install motion sensors that activate/deactivate lighting depending on the presence of people.
  • Take Advantage of Natural Light: Open curtains and blinds during the day to take advantage of natural light. This will reduce the need to turn on electric lights.
natural light
  • Regulate the Temperature: Adjust the thermostat to a comfortable but efficient temperature. In winter, keep the heating at a maximum of 20°C, and in summer, do not overdo it with the air conditioning.
  • Check the insulation of your home: Good thermal insulation in windows and doors will prevent unnecessary heat or cold losses. Also consider sealing possible air leaks.
  • Take Care in the Use of Appliances: Use the washing machine and dishwasher with a full load. Air dry clothes whenever possible. Also, choose energy-efficient appliances.
  • Control the consumption of the refrigerator: The refrigerator is one of the most energy-consuming appliances. Make sure the door closes properly and do not open it unnecessarily.
  • Install a Smart Thermostat: Smart thermostats allow you to program the temperature according to your needs and schedules. 
  • Education and Awareness: Share these tips with your family and create a culture of responsible consumption. Education is key to achieve a positive change.

Everyday actions that you implement in your daily life can make a difference in your consumption, achieving economic and energy savings. 

About Legrand: Legrand is a global company specializing in electrical and digital solutions for residential, commercial and industrial spaces. Legrand has specialized solutions for energy efficiency. 
Learn more about Legrand's energy efficiency solutions here.